Jack, Jacob, and Me

Last Thursday night I hit a new level with my 13 year old.  Jacob and I went out for dessert and discussion on Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (nicknamed “Jack” if you’re still trying to figure out the post title).  We’re both currently reading through it and talking about it as we go.  This is a completely new thing for me, because I’ve never actually read any of Lewis’ work other than the Narnia series.

Yes, that’s probably grounds for firing if you work for J.D. Greear.

And yes, I feel like I’ve read plenty of his stuff because J.D. quotes C.S. in roughly 108% of his sermons.  If C.S. Lewis quotes were French fries, our pastor just ransacked Idaho.

Editor’s Note: Huh?

But back to Jacob.  I don’t know about you, but when I was 13 the greatest mental exercise I ever got was remembering to keep my finger out of my nose.  I’m proud of this kid and his commitment to get through a difficult book.  (I’m 35 and I have to tell you, once I figured out there were no talking lions I wanted to give up.)

I wish I could say that Jacob is reading Mere Christianity because of my influence.  I wish I could stand with other dads I’ve known who have challenged their kids on an intellectual level from a very young age.  But the truth is, Jacob is reading this book not because of me, but because of the leaders of the Summit’s Student Ministry.  Guys like Josh Lawrence and Jason Gaston have been influential in shaping his brain and helping him think through his worldview.

From a former youth pastor’s perspective, I know that student ministry gurus can only supplement what parents are teaching at home.  But I say to my shame that Jason and his team have taken my kids to new heights in their relationship with Jesus, not because I can’t, but because I haven’t.  I was the one who picked up Mere Christianity as an afterthought only because I was challenged by the fact that my first-born was reading it and I never have. 

However, I’m committed to walking through the book with him, and learning beside him.  I told Jacob last week that he was pretty dang fortunate to have a church like the Summit and a pastor like Gaston and small group leaders like Josh and Nathan, and I hope he realized the truth in that.  These guys are the real deal.  They’re a blast to work with, and they’re hard-core in their love for kids the kids of the Summit Church and beyond.

2 Responses

  1. Alice says:

    I, too, have realized that my grandchildren do not seem to know what I thought I had been teaching them. We do a lot of teaching with these children. Our daughter is a great example, to me, that we taught her well. Kinda like drill sergeants but…
    So we’ve begun a new venture with the grandchildren of reading and praying with them in the more adult/ child appropriate manner. They already did a lot of things but I feel that it’s time to raise the bar. Per Jewish thought a child begins to function more as an adult at 12 (where was Jesus at 12?–the temple). So now at this birthday we begin a new season of instruction. The joy is seeing your fruit some few years from now. It cannot be topped! Do not grow weary in doing good.

  2. Jason says:

    thanks for your kind words Franks. It’s an honor to serve your family for the kingdom. I love you guys

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