Take a Breath

It was a huge day at Brier Creek AM on Sunday.  103 first time guests (and their families) showed up.  (If you follow the tweets, I know I said it was 99…4 more surfaced this morning.)  A few dozen folks began serving, some for the very first time.  Six people were baptized.  A couple dozen joined the Summit family.  Gallons of coffee was consumed.  290 college students packed out the Bay for the fall inauguration of Summit College Ministry.

The auditorium was packed.  The lobby was packed.  The choir was packed.  The energy level?  It was packed, too.

In just a couple of minutes we’ve got an awesome team of volunteers who will come in and begin processing the cards from yesterday.  It was an “all call” Sunday, meaning that we asked every single person to fill out the card.  Many of those indicated that they were receiving Jesus for the first time yesterday.

Will you take moment today and pray for our follow up efforts this week?  Here’s the specifics…

  • Pray that we’ll make contact with every single person who became a Christ follower, that phone numbers will be legible and schedules will sync.
  • Pray that our team of callers (pastors, staff, deacons) will be able to help these folks clearly articulate their decision, crystallize the message of the gospel, and point people to scripture.
  • Pray that the next step will be clear and immediate…Starting Point, baptism, small groups…

By the way, we’re celebrating today by doing lunch together in our first BC12 event.  We’ll meet at Jason’s Deli…come join us!

Start the conversation.