Rejected Sermon Titles

Sunday I had the opportunity to preach in front of my fave peeps – the folks at Summit’s Brier Creek campus.  It was a tough message out of Hosea, which absolutely wrecked me last week.

But even in the midst of being wrecked, a sermon needs a good title, right?  Ask the folks around our office, I annoyed and pestered them on Friday trying to come up with something better than what I finally chose…”Scandalous.”  (Francine Rivers already took the best title.  Wonder if I can sue her?)

So here they are, the top five rejected sermon titles for your enjoyment, and if you want to catch up, you can download “Scandalous” here.

  1. Ho Ho Hosea – The Christmas Prophet
  2. Gomer’s Pyle of Illegitimate Kids
  3. This Sermon Is Full of Words You Don’t Want Your Children To Hear
  4. Bummer. Next Time, Try E-Harmony.
  5. With a Name Like That, You’d Sin Too

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  1. July 12, 2010

    […] I am thankful for this guy’s sense of humor and the way he has really mentored me in some way since […]

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