Boom! Roasted.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that we spent all last week on the blog talking about the Summit’s Ten Year Anniversary. I know that some of you feel like this Ten Year celebration has actually lasted for ten years. But if you’ll indulge me, one more thing needs to be mentioned.

We have one of the most fun staff cultures of any church I’ve ever seen. If you don’t have a healthy sense of humor, you won’t last long around this joint. (You sort of have to laugh to cope with some of the things you get to deal with in ministry.) We’re a family, and like a family, we trade off a lot of good-natured teasing. We’ve learned that we love each other best when we are poking fun at each other.

That’s why we had such a great time shooting the following video in honor of our lead pastor. J.D. gives us tons of…um…material to work with, and we put that on display on Monday night during a dinner for the “original 300” of the Summit Church.

Editor’s note: the views expressed in this video do not necessarily represent the views of those who would like to keep their jobs.

Boom! Roasted. from Danny Franks on Vimeo.

[special thanks to the incredibly talented Josh Sliffe for putting this together!]

5 Responses

  1. Josh D. says:

    I’d like a “Gospel” Snuggie.

  2. mary ann maney says:

    I want one of those Gospel fanny packs–you can never have too many fanny packs. Sometimes I wear 3 at a time–being a nana, you have to carry emergency everything! how much are they? Is it possible to get one sent in the mail to Seattle?

    Geez, how I miss the camaraderie of the Summit Saints–saints for putting up with J.D.

    love to you all,
    Mary Ann Maney

  3. p says:

    ouch…that’s worse than having your facebook hacked : )

  4. Anonymous says:

    skinny jeans, ankle length panties, same thing.

  1. May 1, 2015

    […] Read the entire original post here. […]

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