Flashback Friday: Confessions of a Control Freak

If you’re new to these parts, we take Fridays off to kick back and throwback to an easier time when we wrote long and thoughtful blog posts and didn’t refer to ourselves as “we” all the time…

I’ve always viewed the stuff I do in life like you would view letting someone else put a baseball cap on you.  No one else can put a baseball cap on you.  It’s just something you have to do yourself.  Try it.  Let someone else put a Big Ed’s Truck Stop and Tax Prep Center cap on your cranium, and then…don’t touch it.  See how long you can go before your hands shoot up and you’re adjusting that sucker before it drives you out of your ever-loving mind.  See?  You’re a control freak too, you prideful pagan.

Now, that’s all well and good, until it comes to ministry.  In ministry, wisdom dictates that we’re not as awesome as we often think we are.  Remember Jethro’s advice to Moses?  And even though I should have learned it a long time ago, God has been teaching me a very important, yet very painful lesson over the last few years:

You can’t do it all on your own.

Read the entire post here.

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