Thursday Three For All

(Remember kiddies, click on the bold print to see the original article.)


The Language of Success: Creating a Culture of HappinessBob Adams nails it on this summary of language from Disney U.

What’s the difference between treating someone like a customer, and treating someone like a Guest?

The obvious analogy is that we do things differently when we bring Guests into our home. We spruce up the house. We dress up. We prepare something special to eat. We host them. We take care of their real needs.


My Favorite Memories of President George W. Bush. Regardless of my political views, I always enjoy the behind the scenes stories of presidential life. These are solid.

One night when I first took the deputy press secretary job, I went with him on Marine One to an event in rural Virginia for the Boy Scouts Jamboree. Weather had kept us from going for two days, but on the third night, we made it out before another storm rolled in. On the way home he insisted on sharing his peanut butter and honey sandwiches with me and the chief-of-staff, Andy Card. The sun had started setting as we left to return to the White House and we talked just like friends do – he asked me all about my family, travels, pets and goals. I remember every moment of that night – including the orange and pink sunset that lasted the whole flight.


Thorough, Wearable Do Not Disturb SignAdmit it. If you work in an office you’ve wanted one of these. (via TwentyTwoWords)


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