Flashback Friday: Who Needs To Know Your Why


Last week I was talking to a guy who has virtually no first impressions experience, at least in the church world. But it was immediately obvious that he was a Who that already understood the Why. He valued people. He understood how to make them feel valued. And he knew that the end game was not a good parking spot or a hot cup of coffee, but a distraction-free worship experience that pointed people towards the gospel.

Those are the Whos that you want to have on your team. Those are the Whos that you unapologetically steal from other ministries, set a huge vision in front of them, and then turn them loose to run after it.

It’s that Who that you want to pursue.

Read the entire original post here.

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  1. Hi Danny! Thanks for keeping the “tissue” flowing. Our church is in severe need of this kind of information and inspiration. The good news is there are capable folks who are aware of the need.

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