Planning Is Not The Same As Dreaming

Somebody's gotta launch Lego Church. Might as well be us.

I spent the last few days in a guest services geek’s dreamland: I was fortunate enough to sit around a table with seventeen of the sharpest church hospitality minds in the country. We came from churches of different backgrounds (from maybe-sorta-traditional to hey-wow-you’re-not-traditional-at-all), churches of different sizes (from really big to good-glory-are-you-a-church-or-the-population-of-Montana), and churches with varying philosophies and approaches to how we do just about everything.

But one thing united us all, and that’s our vision that churches nationwide must step up to reach those who are far from Jesus. In addition to being missional communities who send people out, we have to be attractional communities that welcome people in. It’s not either/or, it’s both/and.

By the time the first sixty minutes of our conversation had elapsed, my brain was full. I picked off enough ideas and “aha!” moments to last me for months (and I’ll share many of those with you in the days to come). Even this morning – a half a day removed from the event – my mind is racing as I try to process some of the things I learned and some of the topics we discussed.

But here’s my first big takeaway: planning is not the same as dreaming. 

I plan a lot of things: from weekend volunteer teams to training opportunities to large scale events, planning runs in my blood. I love it. I love wrestling a spreadsheet under my control, ticking every little item off my to do list, and seeing it all come together at the end of the day. And the insidious nature of planning the work and working the plan is this: you feel like you’ve accomplished something.

But planning isn’t the same as dreaming. Executing a plan doesn’t mean you’ve created an experience. I can plan an event down to precise detail but never see the experience change from one time to the next. So if I never take time to dream, my plans will never really evolve into something better.

When it comes to guest services, I’m prone to take the easiest, cheapest, simplest, pragmatic-ist way out. I want it to be replicable across eight campuses. I want it to be simple for our staff and volunteer teams to understand. I dumb down the plans in the name of simplicity. But creativity is not the enemy of simplicity.

Here’s what I learned this week: sometimes you need to just dream. Forget the practical nature of what you do. Forget the budgetary constraints. Forget your lack of volunteers. Yesterday eighteen of us spent a couple of hours simply dreaming: “What if we could implement this?” “What if we had a blank check?” “What if we had an unlimited staff or a bottomless pool of volunteers or 27 hours in a day?”

When we get to the end of the “What if?” road, we know there will still be some limitations there. We’ll never have unlimited cash or the millions of volunteers we hope for. But the great thing about dreaming is that it knocks the ceiling off of some of our preconceived notions. When we get out of the world of spreadsheets and checklists and start staring into the blue sky of creativity, we see new things evolve. New initiatives arise. New values emerge. And sometimes those new insights may indeed mean just adding a couple of volunteers here or a couple hundred bucks there. But that small tweak is the thing that raises the bar and helps us truly create an experience that captures the imaginations of our guests and points them to the truths of the gospel.

So how about it, guest services friends? Ministry friends? Leader friends? Are you planning or are you dreaming?


To find out more about what we’ve been up to the last few days, check out a couple of posts by our fearless leader Bob Adams here and here.


5 Responses

  1. Michelle says:

    This post could not have come at a better time! This Saturday I am having a vision casting and training gathering for the Guest Experience Team and this was such a great reminder to DREAM BIG! God will put everything in to place as long as I listen for His voice and dream! Thanks so much. I can’t wait to hear what else you learned. 🙂

  2. David Hinkle says:

    Good stuff, yet again. We’ve simply been forced to dream (or come up with something…anything…Oh Please Lord HELP US) to meet the demands of the reality of a growing church. Our old system just wasn’t cutting it. Problem was, I wasn’t really seeing it. I was trying to maintain what we were doing and didn’t have margin (so I thought) to develop anything else even if I could see it. Reality hits ya hard, bro.

    So, we dreamed and developed and landed on a better a system. New lesson learned now though: count the cost of the change you’re going to make. Didn’t do that well and now we have a system that while it’s working is taking much more to sustain than we thought. Trust me, I’d rather have to deal with this (an increased need for volunteers/staffing) than the alternative of not having a connections system that has the capacity to match our growth rate.

    That is all. Carry on.

    • Danny says:

      Thanks Michelle! I hope the gathering goes great this weekend!

      Hink: it’s always a balance and a tension. As I was writing the post I was thinking through the “What if’s” that go beyond the “What if’s.” Jesus reminded us about counting the cost before you build a tower. I get that…feel that…I’ve been there with you on the other side (“it’s taking much more to sustain than we thought.”). But I also know that sometimes my limited thinking keeps me from dreaming about building the tower in the first place.

      I’m processing this one in a big way. Any more thoughts you have would be welcomed!

  3. Bob Adams says:

    Reblogged this on 27gen and commented:
    Here are some great initial processing thoughts about GENE 2014 from my friend Danny Franks, Connections Pastor at Summit RDU.

  1. August 21, 2017

    […] don’t have a compelling vision for what could be. See #3 again. So many of us fail to dream ahead and think big about where we want our teams to go. Acknowledge the context but apply the principle of Proverbs […]

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