Nobody Cares About Your Rules

3 Responses

  1. Danny says:

    Alright, bloggity blog blog friends, in response to tweets from my buddy and former co-pastor @BradOBrien, we need to come up with a top ten list of worst church rules ever.

    My all-time favorite comes from a story I heard in a First Impressions Training. I usually have participants tell some of their church horror stories as an icebreaker (because almost everyone has one).

    One guy said that he tried out a new church once, and there was apparently a dress code he was unaware of. He was escorted to a closet where he was REQUIRED to pick out a coat and tie, and wear it throughout the service.

    What are the worst rules you’ve ever seen?

  1. February 5, 2016

    […] Read the entire original post here. […]

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