Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire article.)


Eric Garner and the Case for Justice. (via @DrMoore) On the heels of yesterday’s “no verdict” decision in NYC, Russell Moore gave an impassioned plea for believers to apply and live the gospel in matters of racial reconciliation. (Note: this is a transcript from his Questions and Ethics podcast.)

The situation that we have right now is not the book of Acts. It would be easy in Acts chapter 6 for the disciples to simply say, “Well, the Greek widows are having problems—that’s the Greeks problem. Let the Greek church handle that.” No, it’s Jewish apostles setting aside deacons, Jewish deacons in many cases, to minister to the Greek widows. Why? Because the Greeks weren’t some other part of the body of Christ. They are part of one body. And if we can’t start to model that in our churches and start to show that in our churches to the outside society, then I’m not sure what we have to say.


Ask For A Towel, Not A Title. (via @DerwinLGray) The “Professional Christians” we will always have among us. But this article by Derwin Gray will preach.

So much of what I read in Christian circles on leadership is about “how to lead” instead of “how to embody what you want those you influence to become.” I believe leadership is not telling people what to do, but living out yourself what you want those you influence to embody.


A Look At The Robotic Work Force That Helps Fuel Amazon. (via @LaughingSquid) Yes, we’ve talked about this before. And yes, I realize the machines are taking over the world, But this three minute video is still fascinating.

1 Response

  1. December 10, 2014

    […] is normally the type of fodder I’d save for Thursday Three For All, but this is too good not to share r’at […]

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