Thursday Three for All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire article.)


Holding Doors & Killing Pride. (via @SpenceShelton) My buddy Spence was recently sent out from our staff to plant Mercy Church in Charlotte, NC. He shared this great post on how jumping in to get the job done has done a little work on his soul.

To be candid, I can be a prideful guy. I probably needed to be knocked down a few pegs. This season is doing that. At the end of the day, I’m another doorholder for Mercy Church. If all I do is preach at our church instead of model jesus with our church, I’m not a shepherd. I’m a diva. And I refuse to be a diva.


Details are Important Because Guests Feel Perfection. (via @RobertVAdams) Bob and his love of Disney knocks another one out of the park (pun intended). How does your church’s attention to detail communicate care for your guests?

The minute details that produce the visual experience are really the true art of the Disney themed show, its greatest source of strength. The details corroborate every story point, immersing Guests in the story idea. Walt Disney knew that if details are missing or incorrect, Guests won’t believe in the story, and that if one detail contradicts another, Guests will feel let down or even deceived.


Centralia, PA: a Town That Has Been Burning for 50 Years. (via @LaughingSquid) There’s so much strange stuff going on here. So. Much. Strange.

A recent video by Atlas Obscura for their 100 Wonders series shines a spotlight on Centralia, Pennsylvania, a town that has been burning for more than 50 years from a coal mine fire that started in 1962. Host Dylan Thuras explains the history of the town, as well as its bleak future which rests solely with its last 10 residents. 

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