Flashback Friday: When Do You Do and When Do You Delegate?

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!

I believe that a fundamental principle of leadership is this: a leader should never lead where he has not been or isn’t willing to go. There should never be a case where a leader sends his followers down a path that he has not traveled, nor intends to.

This translates well to the every day tasks of a leader. If someone sees themselves as above or too good for or beyond a certain task, they’re not a leader. They’re a manager, a dictator, an autocrat, but they’re not a leader.

Leaders should be willing to immerse themselves in the menial. They should be willing to bus the tables, willing to man the phones, willing to pick up the trash.

But if you follow this line of logic to it’s natural end, you’ll have a leader who is always putting out fires, always picking up the slack, and never getting their real job accomplished.

Read the entire original post here.


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