Flashback Friday: Ten Ways to Keep it Clean

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!
1. Pick up the trash. Inside. Outside. Your space. Someone else’s space. If you see a gum wrapper, Summit Kids pick up sticker, or discarded copy of People of God, consider it yours and throw it away.
2. Wipe down the sink. When you wash your hands (and you should), spend an extra fifteen seconds wiping up the water. Don’t forget faucet handles and walls that you might have splattered.
3. Be choosy with leftovers. We get it: your meeting participants only drank ¾ of that 2 liter and you want to bless others with it. But ask yourself: will anyone drink the Sam’s Choice Diet Cola in the kitchen? Probably not, because you’re cheap and it’s gross. Pour it out.
4. Turn out the lights. Make Al Gore proud. If you leave a room and you have reason to believe no one will reenter the room within 15 minutes, save some electricity.