Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)


Why Micromanaging is Ungodly

(via @barnabaspiper) Every morning when I wake up, I find a recovering micromanager staring back at me from my mirror. Barnabas gives us some great reasons why it’s not just a character flaw, it’s a sin against God and others.

Nobody likes a micromanager, except maybe the one doing the managing. Even people who need close oversight hate it. Why? It’s annoying. It’s overbearing. We generally chalk it up to a “poor leadership style” or “ineffective management.” It’s more than that, though. Micromanagement among Christian leaders reflects poorly on our faith and the gospel. It doesn’t work, and that’s mainly because it’s not the way God designed things to work.

Here are five reasons why.


To the Usher at the Cardinals Game Who Spent Two Innings Finding My Son a Bottle of Milk

(HT @bradobrien) My friend Brad knows I love a good customer service story. This one is a doozie. Good job, Cardinals usher guy.

Thank you.

When I asked you if you knew where I could find milk for my son, at Busch Stadium on a sweltering summer evening, I expected you to tell me I was out of luck, or at best offer a vague suggestion.

Instead, you took us several sections over into the Redbird Club even though our tickets didn’t grant us access, because you knew it housed a bakery – but they were out of milk. Instead of giving up, you took us three levels down to a store on the main concourse, where we once again struck out – which you know, because you stayed and helped us look.


Teacher Dives Out a Window

(via @youtube) School starts next week around these parts. I am both (a) impressed by this middle school teacher’s ability to make a memorable point, and (b) wondering how far into the school year he gets before he really really really wants to do this for reals.


photo credit: Jason Mathis

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