State of the Blog: 2017 Survey Results

If you will, dear readers, allow me to indulge you in a little inside talk. You are the group who makes this site what it is. You’re the faithful community who reads, comments, gives feedback, and engages in robust email conversations around the content. If it weren’t for you, there would be no blog. (Well, maybe there would be. But it would certainly be boring.[ref]Yes, even more boring. And no one likes a smart aleck.[/ref])
The final results are in from the survey a few weeks past. Of course, this doesn’t represent every reader, but I found some of the results fascinating. Here are a few highlights:
- 70% of you are seasoned pros: you’ve been a reader for a year or more. (Translation: be a friend of the party. Invite a friend to the party.)
- Speaking of relational collateral, over 1/3 of readers were referred to the site by a friend. (Translation: sharing is caring.)
- 31% show up every time a post is published, 20% drop by once a week, and 4% check in once a month. (Translation: we miss you when you’re not here.)
- Four out of ten readers (41%) are email subscribers, meaning you get a tiny gift in your inbox all. the. time. 1% of you get here via telepathy. (Translation: you can sign up over on yonder sidebar. <–)
- There’s an even split on those who say “Ye write too much” and “Ye don’t write enougheth” (8% each). But 85% said the amount of posts are juuuust right. (Translation: who knows.)
- Nearly 2/3 (64%) show up for the guest services content. (Translation: that’s a good thing, since that’s what the site is all about.)
- 30% of you are church volunteers, 41% are full-time church staffers, and 6% are running a part-time side hustle. (Translation: four out of five readers agree that church life is cool.)
- 1/4 of you fall in the 35-44 demographic, another 1/4 in the 45-59 range, and 1/3 are 25-34. As for you 1% who are under 18, do your parents know what you’re up to? (Translation: just kidding, kids. Hang out with us old folks anytime.)
- You come from all over. Three countries and nearly half of the territories in the good ol’ U.S.A. were represented in the survey. (Translation: talk all the smack you want about Delaware, because nobody from there is listening.)
Maybe best of all, you brought up a veritable ton of great questions / topics / ideas for future posts. (Translation: we’ll get to ’em soon.)
Stay tuned, my friends. And thanks for being a part of the journey.
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[…] question comes from our 2017 Blog Survey a few months […]
[…] Today’s question comes from our 2017 Blog Survey. […]