Flashback Friday: The Procrastinator’s Guide to Easter

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! (One quick note: Easter doesn’t actually happen this Sunday, but nine days from now. Relax…you’ve got more time to procrastinate.) 


It’s here again.

Easter happens this Sunday, and maybe – just maybe – you let it sneak up on you. Whatever the reason – March Madness, early spring break, Downton withdrawals – you are simply not ready for it.

But I have your back. Here are ten easyish ways to be ready for the weekend, and you can do any one of ’em in less time than it takes to unwrap one of those infernal Cadbury Eggs (seriously, how do you get into those things?).


Read the entire original post here.


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