Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)


Three Ways to Distort the Gospel Through Your Marriage

(via @_michaelkelley) As per usual, Michael graciously kicks us in the rear.

Marriage isn’t really about marriage.

No really. It isn’t. At least not in the best and eternal sense. And that’s the reason why marriage is so sacred. It’s because marriage is more than a means of companionship; it’s more than a means of procreation; it’s more than a means of mutual satisfaction. Marriage is God’s chosen instrument to be the walking, talking, living illustration of the gospel. In Ephesians 5, after giving instruction to wives regarding submission and instruction to husbands about self-sacrificial love, Paul lets us on on the real deal about marriage:

This mystery is profound, but I am talking about Christ and the church (Eph. 5:32).

That’s right, husbands and wives. God instituted marriage as a display of the gospel. It’s primarily so that we might look to husbands and say, “Oh, I get it. That’s a shadow of how Jesus loves His church,” and so that we might look at wives and say, “Oh, I see. This is what it looks like to submit to Christ out of love and trust.”


Here’s How Much Businesses Pay to Get on Those Big Blue Signs

(via @jalopnik) You know you’ve wondered it. And even if you haven’t, this is pretty fascinating.

Drive down any major interstate in the U.S., and you’ll see big blue signs decorated with business logos near most exits. Here’s who decides which businesses make it on the signs, and how much it all costs.

Called interstate logo signs or specific service signs, these ubiquitous big blue billboards are godsends to weary travelers searching for gas, food, or lodging close to the highway. Unsurprisingly, the signs aren’t solely there to help out motorists, as they also provide monetary benefit to businesses and, crucially, to the state.


Corgi vs. Chicken

(via @premiumfunny) You can just tell from the beginning, this dog knows he’s toast.

photo credit: Jason Mathis

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