Flashback Friday: People > Signage

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!
I’m a big fan of signs.
No, not the creepy M. Night Shyamalan movie featuring Mel Gibson in his pre-Aramaic days. I am referring, of course, to the wayfinding devices that populate airports, retail centers, hospitals and churches.
Signs are helpful, because signs help large groups of people move through large spaces with relative ease. Connecting in Atlanta airport and need to find your flight to Des Moines? No problem. Check the monitor for your gate, then head to the right terminal and the right gate courtesy of the large overhead signage. Heading to a new mall and want to park by Macy’s? Not an issue. Look for the 15′ tall sign as you enter the property, and it’ll direct you around the building and drop you off at your destination.
Read the entire original post here.