So, I Wrote This Book…

Today I finally get to reveal some news that I’ve been anxious to share for a long time.
If you’ve been a reader of this blog for a few minutes or from the beginning, you know that my heart beats a little bit harder when I talk about guest services and the church. I believe a few things about that topic:
- Churches can be downright scary places for a first-time guest to walk into.
- Way too many churches spend too little time thinking about their guests’ experience.
- Some churches who do think about it can overcompensate, making a great first impression an end unto itself.
- All churches – every denomination, practice, tradition, in every corner of the world – can do better. And we must do better. Because it’s not about parking cars or pouring coffee, it’s about introducing people to the grace of the gospel and a relationship with Jesus.
That’s why I’m so excited to tell you that a side project I’ve been working on for the last few years is coming to fruition. On March 6, Zondervan will release my first book (and let’s face it: it may be my only book, so you might oughta jump on this one, buckeroo).
What’s it about?
When it comes to serving guests in the local church, I’ve discovered there are basically two types of churches: those who view the guest experience as an afterthought, and those who deliver every bell and whistle you can imagine. The former hosts worship services that feel more like funeral processions, and the latter runs the risk of being Six Flags Over Jesus.
People Are the Mission introduces a third way: one where guests are esteemed but the gospel is the goal. I really do believe that people are the mission that God has called us to, and the way we do (or don’t do) institutional hospitality can impede or speed up someone’s journey to salvation.
Who’s it for?
Lead pastors, executive pastors, ministry leaders, church volunteers, left-handed people, dog lovers, chess players, even people who want to up their customer service game in their business…People Are the Mission will scratch where you itch. My goal was to write a book that I would want to read, so I did my best to make it meaningful but also keep it fun (because if you can’t have fun while reading, why bother?).
What do you want me to do about it?
If you’re reading this blog, I consider you a part of a tribe that cares about how churches treat guests. I wrote People Are the Mission for you. I wrote it for your church. I wrote it on behalf of every guest who will potentially walk through your front doors from now until Jesus returns. But in order for it to get to other people, I need your help in four simple steps:
- Visit That’s the brand-spankin’ new landing page for the book. That’s where you’ll find a little bit more about the book (woo hoo! Teasers!).
- Pre-order that joker. It’s now available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Lifeway, CBD, and ChurchSource. All of those sites link from the landing page.
- Get your pre-order bonuses. I’ve put together a ton of freebies including a discussion guide, a bonus article, and an interview with J.D. Greear. Plus you’ll get a pdf of the first 50 pages of the book so you can get started reading. (But hurry! Pre-order means by March 5. Go kids, go.)
- Tell your friends. Point them to the landing page and use #peoplearethemission on social media. Once you’ve read the book, a review on Amazon or your online book dealer of choice would be a tremendous help.
I’m really excited about this project, and I can’t wait to talk to you more about it. Stay tuned!
1 Response
[…] Last week I spilled the beans that Zondervan is releasing my first book, People Are The Mission, on Tuesday, March 6. Each Monday until the release date I’m sharing brief excerpts from the book. I’d love to hear your feedback! […]