2018 Summer Reading List: Mine.

Yesterday I offered up ten books I think you should try reading this summer. Today, I’d like to share my own stack that I’ll be working through. But before I get to the list, let me tell you how I got to the list:
I strive to be a reader of various disciplines: guest service, leadership development, spiritual growth, history / biographies tend to be in a regular rotation. (Over the last year I’ve tried to introduce more fiction and historical literature into the diet, which has been fun.)
But a few conversations over the last few months have challenged me not only to broaden what I’m reading, but who I’m reading. As I look back over the titles I’ve read in the last several years, the authors are overwhelmingly caucasian males. And while there’s nothing wrong with caucasian males, I recognize that their voices sound a lot like my voice. So several weeks ago I asked you to give me suggestions on “non-white guys.” And wow, did you deliver. I received nearly 40 suggestions regarding authors / titles I’d heard of and those I hadn’t. You’ll see some of those titles reflected in the following list, but rest assured that all of them went onto a list I’ll be working through in the months and years to come.
So here we go…the fifteen books I hope to tackle between now and the back-to-school sales in August:
Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel (Kate Bowler) (Pro tip: this is currently available on Kindle for just $2.99.)
The Come Back Effect: How Hospitality Can Compel Your Church’s Guests to Return (Jason Young and Jonathan Malm) (Note: available for pre-order now; will be released on July 31, 2018.)
Culture Wins: The Roadmap to an Irresistible Workplace (William Vanderbloemen)
Dream with Me: Race, Love, and the Struggle We Must Win (John Perkins)
The Four Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership: The Power of Leading from Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength (Jenni Catron)
Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women (Carolyn James) (Currently available on Kindle for $6.99.)
Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption (Bryan Stevenson)
Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life (Tish Warren)
More Is More: How the Best Companies Go Farther and Work Harder to Create Knock-Your-Socks-Off Customer Experiences (Blake Morgan)
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (Liz Wiseman)
No Little Women: Equipping All Women in the Household of God (Aimee Byrd)
None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different from Us (and Why That’s a Good Thing) (Jen Wilkin)
Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewish Words of Jesus Can Change Your Life (Lois Tverberg)
White Awake: An Honest Look at What it Means to be White (Daniel Hill)
Win the Customer: 70 Simple Rules for Sensational Service (Flavio Martins)
What are you reading this summer? Comment below.
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Are you the one that requested the copy of Multipliers? Mine had to go back the the library. I’m watching you Franks.
Someone subtracted your Multiplier? How rude. But don’t let this divide our friendship. Maybe you could put out an add for another one.
Oh my. That was a stretch indeed. I’ll just borrow your copy.