Thursday Three For All: Service Recovery, Fall Communication, and Accent-Free Reporting

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)
Poor Service Made Right
(via @robinrmccoy) Robin gives us a good reminder of the importance of a good first impression, and how to correct it when things go wrong.
What kind of service do you provide? What experience are your guests and regulars getting every time they walk in your doors? They’re coming with expectation of great service and an experience that will move them. Are you creating that lasting impression that leaves people craving more? If we have an expectation of great service when we dine, how much more do we expect it when we walk into the House of God? Before we step into our services this weekend, no matter how large or small the space, no matter how established or new, be mindful that your guests are coming with great anticipation to meet the God we serve. Know that most will never say they had a bad experience, they will simply never return.
3 basic (and free) communication necessities for fall
(via @markmac1023) I am (ahem) a little late to the game in posting this, because the fall season is upon us. Nevertheless, Mark offers a great strategy that we actually employ at the Summit.
How can it be? It’s almost fall, and once again many churches realize they have the same communication system that they had last year, even with all the issues that surfaced and promises made for improvement.
Perhaps it was the budget that kept you from accomplishing the improvements you talked about. Perhaps it was just procrastination.
Let’s discuss three things that need to be accomplished in order to lay the foundation for a great communication strategy. Do these basic (and free) things, and you’ll see that it’s easier for you to setup and run great communication for your church. It doesn’t take a long period of time either!
Why U.S. Newscasters Report in Neutral Tones
(via @laughingsquid) We’ve all got ’em…that annoying local newscaster who tries to go above and beyond. I say bring back the regional twang.
photo credit: Jason Mathis