Bonus Webinar: The Next Big Thing

Our team has had a ton of fun with our fall 2020 webinar series. So much fun, in fact, that we’re adding a bonus fourth session!
The Next Big Thing: caring for your people through change
November 10, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST. Register now.
Whether you’re reeling from the changes brought on by a global pandemic, you’re tweaking a ministry model to better serve your community, or you’re simply bumping a service time by a half hour, change is a constant. And it’s often only embraced by those who are making the change.
As leaders, we have to care for our people – staff, volunteers, and guests – as we navigate change. Leading change well is not impossible, and it can be a mark of effective, lasting ministry.
In this webinar, I’ll be hosting Anna Murphy, part of our Strategic Development Team at the Summit. Anna has led our staff and church through two campus launches, a vision and values reboot, and multiple major projects…all of which have involved massive change. Simply put: she’s crazy smart. And you’re going to benefit from her experience.

In this interview format, Anna will lead us through the three phases of change, what to expect in each, and action steps you can take to care for your team through each one.
This webinar is for any leader of any ministry in your church. If change is coming – and you can be sure that it is – take an hour and tune in.
What do I get?
- A fast-paced, high-energy, 60 minute presentation, co-hosted by Anna Murphy and Danny Franks, both a part of the staff team at The Summit Church in North Carolina
- The opportunity to ask questions, discuss problem issues, and find targeted solutions for your ministry area
- A downloadable handout so you can track along during the webinar, plus an after-the-event completed handout just in case you miss something
- Additional free resources and guides to implement the topic at hand
- Super-sweet giveaways
- A link so you can view the webinar’s replay any time