It’s Not (Just) About the Mask

2 Responses

  1. Julia Farrow says:

    I’m proud of my church for how they have been handling the mask issue. We have great signage reminding folks to put their masks on. We have masks on stand by for those who don’t have one. The problem we have now is that people are so used to going to restaurants where they wear the mask to the table and then take it off. So our guests wear them into the worship area and then take them off. How do you deal with that?! Such crazy times!

    • Danny says:

      Julia! It’s been a while!

      We have a couple of mobile locations that require masks at all times, so that one is easy. They’re the bad guys, not us.

      Somewhat more difficult is enforcing it in an auditorium where the service is already in progress. Signage, rotating slides, and reminders from staff and volunteers (pre-service) help, but I’m personally thinking through that question in the post: Is it more important to protect the feelings of those we’re trying to keep or those we’re trying to reach? Because you and I both know, asking someone to put their mask back on – no matter how kindly we do it – runs the risk of rubbing them the wrong way.

      The vast majority of our folks remained masked throughout the entire service. But there may be a growing number who are “mask chameleons” who take theirs off because someone else did.

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