Get Face-to-Face with Your Frustrations

In work and in life, we are going to have to deal with stuff that frustrates us.

More accurately, we’ll have to deal with people who frustrate us.

Maybe it’s their work style, or their communication style, or their passion / lack thereof for the current project.

Rather than letting those frustrations fester, why not get face-to-face with your frustrator?

Talk it through. Not in an accusatory, I’m-right-and-you’re-wrong way, but just to explore.

What you’ll likely find – way more often than not – is that your co-worker or team member is actually a really talented person doing a really good job, but that there’s something broken in the system.

At that point, rather than working against the person to power through the project, you can work with the person to make it all better. And not just for the two of you, but for everyone around you.

Thanks to Curtis Andrusko for inspiring the idea behind this post.

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