Weekends Are For New Friends

Repeat after me:
Weekends are for new friends.
When we walk into the church lobby on the weekend, the temptation is to talk to those we already know. Our small group friends, our ministry team friends, our long-time-in-the-trenches-together friends…those are the ones with whom we have a natural rapport, the ones to whom we’re naturally drawn, and the ones with which we effortlessly connect.
Editor’s note: I’m pretty sure your 10th grade English teacher would dock points for that last sentence.
Andy Stanley says it best: the gravitational pull of the church is always towards the inside. We have a hard-wired desire to connect with others, and the path of least resistance to go after those we already know.
But if we’re going to be intentional, and not just friendly, we have to break our huddles, get out of our circles, and watch out for those who don’t have a friend just yet.
Small groups are a great place to go deep in old friendships. Starbucks is a great place to catch up on all the latest details of our friends lives.
But let’s make sure that on Sunday, our antennae are up. Our eyes are wide open. Our guest awareness radar is cranked to 11.
Let’s make sure that weekends are for new friends.