A Quick Word About Our One-Day Workshops

For the last seven years, we’ve offered a series of One-Day Workshops in the late summer / early fall. Hundreds of leaders have joined us for a day long conversation around guest services, volunteer culture, and more.

This is the time of year that we normally start promoting those ODWs, and some of you have reached out asking about upcoming dates. So, if you’ll do a drum roll on your desk, I have an announcement:

We’re not offering the One-Day Workshops this year

(Kill the drum roll, blow the sad slide whistle.) Our central Guest Services Team is taking on some pretty major, pretty exciting new projects and responsibilities this fall and winter (more on that in later blog posts), and we need to focus our energies there. We’re fully committed to bringing ODWs back in 2024, but for this year, you get bupkis.

Other training opportunities

“But hang on!” you say. “I’ve already got my heart set on training. The budget is approved. The mini van is gassed up. I’ve already purchased my Nacho Cheese Combos for the road trip!”

Well first of all, you’re clearly in the wrong. Chex Mix is the superior road trip snack. But second, we’re still running full steam ahead with the following training options:

Guest Services Weekender. Our totally free option is perfect for you and a team of staff or volunteers. We have three remaining dates for 2023: May 11, August 31, and November 5. Find out more and RSVP here.

Connections Confab. We’re planning to roll out year #8 in early 2024, and the application process will start in late October / early November. This is a great option if you want to dive in with some new friends in a targeted coaching network. Find out more here.

On site at your place. If you want to bring the training to your team (rather than the other way around), I have some limited openings for summer and fall. If you want more information with no obligation, find out more or reach out.

Sign up for updates. Be the very first to know about the return of the One-Day Workshops, the application start date for Confab, and more. Sign up below to get the inside scoop.

Finally, our team would appreciate your prayers and we embark on some fun and challenging new things. Meanwhile, let us know how we can serve you!

Start the conversation.