2024 Year in Review: Posts

The last week of the year is one of my favorites on social media (and let’s be honest, it’s hard to use “social media” and “favorites” in the same sentence these days). I love it because it generally brings about recap lists on things that I missed, books I need to read, or articles that need a second look.
For the last several years I’ve done my own version of recapping. Next week I’ll give you my top ten favorite books of the year, but for today, here are – in no particular order – some of the most read and / or personal favorite posts from the last twelve months. If you haven’t read ’em, they’re brand new to you!
10. Smoke Signals
Six things that might indicate one of your team members is struggling.
9. Routine vs. Remarkable
“This isn’t just what we’re doing this Sunday. We do this every Sunday!”
8. Why We Changed Our First-Time Guest Gift
Hint: it was less about our branding and more about our city.
7. First-Time Guest Bags: Why They Matter (and What We Use)
A companion post to #8, this one took us down the rabbit hole of resources.
6. First Impressions While You Wait
Two days. Two healthcare facilities. Two vastly different experiences.
5. Avoiding the Ditch
This is a topic I’ve been rolling around in my brain for a good chunk of this year.
4. Let the Winds Blow
On biospheres, deep roots, and why the two can’t coexist.
3. Smitten.
May brought the arrival of our second grandchild, and…
2. Say Hi to Eli.
…October brought the arrival of the third!
1. How to Lead a Book Discussion
The nerds among us rose up, making this most-read post this year.