Desperate Measures

2 Responses

  1. David Hinkle says:


    Metrics and Dashboard have been the staff themes lately. We want to understand reality and meet the demands of that reality.

    Like you, we are tracking lots of different things for all of the Disicpleship Ministry. Within Connections, we are tracking:
    # of Guests by “Get Connected” Card in weekly worship guide/bulletin
    % of Guests who attend Starting Point (1x session with Lead Pastor) by registrations compared to rolling, previous three-month guest cards
    # of Starting Point participants that move to Connecting Point (3 wk class)
    # of CP participants who connect to a small group
    # of CP participants who connect to a ministry team

    Above are the measures for our Connections “pipeline.” Below are the measures of the Connections Team:
    # of Volunteers in Connections by … (still working out the best system for tracking this)
    # of Contacts Made to Weekend Service Directors by calls made by Connections Staff

    This is a start for us. We are just getting this established. Prayers and insight are appreciated!

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