Topical Tuesdays
No, I didn’t say tropical Tuesdays, although in this frigid climate that would be nice too.
And I also don’t mean topical Tuesdays, as in, “Apply liberally three times daily until rash subsides.” Although if that’s what you’re looking for, I’ll pray for you. But no laying on of hands.
I said Topical Tuesdays. For the next few weeks, you’re going to pick the topic.
Editor’s Note: Hold on, isn’t this a shameless ripoff of your boss’s “Ask Anything Fridays”?
Not exactly, because I’m pretty sure that I introduced this idea a few months ago…November 11, 2009, in fact. And he didn’t intro the Ask Anything on his blog until SIX DAYS later (November 17, 2009). So, who’s the ripoff now, huh?
Editor’s Note: Fair enough. But it seems to me that I never actually saw you answer any of the questions you were asked.
Details, details. And yes, I’ll include those questions in our new Topical Tuesdays forum. But good grief, let’s stay on target. Tell me what you want to know about or talk about in the realm of…
- First impressions
- Covenant church membership
- Pastoral ministry
- Anything else
Ready? Go. Comment below and tune in next Tuesday for Topic #1.
Too chicken to comment? E-mail me.
What is the church’s or your view on equipping the saints in the areas of doctrine, apologetic, opposing worldviews, etc. outside of the Saturday/Sunday worship service?
I have two particularly areas in mind: First, I have 1 Peter 3:15 in mind along with the contextualization Paul uses to talk philosophically/apologetically with the Athenians in Acts 17.
Secondly, it has been a while since I went through starting point but we have a doctrine statement but to what extent do we expect and equip church members to posses a healthy understanding of say…the Trinity, the perspicuity of scripture or the role of the Holy Spirit? Ultimately my question is how do we teach these doctrines since affirmation of them (BFM2000) is prerequisite to membership?
When you think about the Summit church 5 or 10 years down the road, what picture comes into YOUR mind?
We know the official Summit vision and we (I’m speaking officially on behalf of everyone who ever reads this blog, ever) get it. But what’s the Danny Franks version? What gets you, personally, really excited to be a part of Summit church today, and for tomorrow?
Should covenant members be the only ones that serve on ministry teams?
What is your opinion?
By the way Zack’s question is much more important. Even though the dude the plays Mario Kart like a 16 year old trying to pass the driving test.
OK, I’ve thought about it for a while. Since I have a son, and since you have 3 sons, what are you doing to make sure your sons don’t grow up to be wimpy pansies? We want Andrew to be a strong godly man. I’m thinking more about what you’re doing with Jacob. I read about your babysitting experience with Ben S., and decided that I’ll go elsewhere for baby advice 🙂
If there is any award related to ‘best question’, it has GOT to go to Lauren for,
“…what are you doing to make sure your sons don’t grow up to be wimpy pansies?”
Go ahead Franks.
If you can’t think of anything, “Make them listen to lots of Mark Driscoll sermons” is always a good fallback.
And as for Mike… all I’m saying is, if you have a chance to host him and his lovely bride, and they act all innocent like “Mario Cart? What’s that?” Don’t believe ’em for a second. Straight up wii sharks is what they are….
Here you go friend:
What is your marriage advice for those newly married (under 2 years)?
What is your marriage advice for those of us who have been married 2-10 years?
What is the best & practical marriage advice for those transitioning into parenthood?
Why do you hate me and keep avoiding me when I come back to NC to visit?
From your position on church staff, what is the best way for the laity to take ownership and incite reforms without offending and going counter to church leadership?
Danny, Great topic to start! Here would be my question that I would want to ask you::
1. What kind of books do you read to help sharpen you skills as the head guru of First Impressions? Conferences? Magazines? etc..
2. What was the thing that made you decide that being the Pastor of Connections was the THING FOR YOU? walk us through the process from your dreams in seminary, youth pastoring to now being the Connections Pastor at The Summit Church.
What are some of the scriptural foundations for your philosophy of the First Impressions ministry? It is easy to find extra-biblical insights on making good impressions on strangers that are our guests, but I am more interested in biblical insights that direct how you think about the First Impressions ministry.
I really hope Danny didn’t think this would be easy…
What is a good response when someone (or group), who is affiliated with the Baptist orientation makes national news for allegedly trying to smuggle Haitian children?
More generally, what is a good response when other Christians (or sometimes we ourselves) embarrass The Name?
Do you think that HTML5 will make flash a thing of the past? How will that effect the web design industry? Will SummitRDU be redesigned to look cooler on the iPad? And why did they call it an iPad anyways?
Also, I would like you to explain how the theory of relativity impacts your work as our campus pastor, particularly given the high level of humidity in the south.
You can see my email address, so you know who this is, but just because of the nature of the question, I’d rather keep it anonymous for the rest of the world.
That’s because the nature of the question is money/giving, and I find that people get really uncomfortable talking about it because it’s such a personal issue. So maybe asking this anonymously will make it a less personal and actually engage some specific, clear dialog. So, here goes:
Whether by my nature or upbringing or both, I have no problem being generous – at least by the world’s standards. Stuff really doesn’t mean that much to me. I also see God’s call to radical generosity all throughout the Bible.
But, being the head of my family, I feel like I have a God-given obligation to lead them wisely and to protect them.
And sometimes I feel a tension between the two. Specifically, if we give a full 10% of our net income every month, we are left in a position where we REALLY have to scrimp just to put about 100 bucks a month into savings. We have one income, and lots of bills, plus a good bit of student loan and credit card debt that we carried into our marriage.
What this means is that we don’t even have one month worth of ’emergency savings’ saved up, and I feel like I’m being irresponsible towards my family in that regard.
But there’s very little that we spend money on that we don’t need to. We could cut out date nights and maybe our home internet and save a little bit, but I don’t think that would probably be best for my family either.
To put this in perspective: we could put one year’s tithe in the bank and be set for two months worth of bills. Or, we could use that exact amount of money to refinance our house and actually free up several hundred dollars that we could then start to save.
Then we could continue to give, and not have to feel stressed about our finances all the time.
I know that if someone asked me this question, I would say that this is surely between them and God, and that God calls us not to legalism, but to obedience. And also that giving *should* require an element of sacrifice that requires faith. And I think I understand those things.
But I’m just wondering if you have any additional thoughts. As a husband and father yourself, can you share anything that you have learned through the years that might help navigate these types of decisions?
Thanks for answering one of my questions. However you took the easy route and republished some of your writing. Good advice though, but I’ll repost the ridiculously hard question to add emphasis to its importance.
From your position on church staff, what is the best way for the laity to take ownership and incite reforms without offending and going counter to church leadership?