10 Ways to Raise the “Guest Awareness Culture” at Your Church

(photo credit: Brett Seay)

6 Responses

  1. Heather says:

    Just found your blog. And I have to say I feel a little guilty that it is because of a post on Facebook promoting the “Jen Hatmaker-gate” —which was “SO FUNNY” that I checked out your About section.

    Anyway, I am a full time pro musician, music teacher, church consultant, mom, and wife and I love anything that has to do with all of the above. I love encouraging others to live out their callings and finding their gifts, even if that means guiding them through comfort zones to the unexplored areas in their life.

    One thing I like about this list is that if churches would start with these ten, and do them WELL, that I bet there would be untapped potential in not only finding growth, but in the depth of their faith community that was there all along. Discipleship has been on my mind lately and I am concerned that with growth (in numbers) that there has to be proportional growth (in spirit) for a church to stay healthy.
    I work with mainly smaller churches and I say that dynamite comes in small packages –so that small churches can be DYNAMITE and effective though numbers and resources may be limited (at least in comparison to larger churches). But, really, when people want growth (number or spirit), I believe it is possible even with few resources. Because in the end it does boil down to relationship and your list is focused on building that connection. We all desire it and we all need it.
    Thank you and I am glad I found you–though through shady circumstances. 🙂

    • Danny says:

      Heather, I totally agree. You’ll get a few vols from a stage announcement, maybe a few more from a mass email. But for real recruitment that’s effective, you’ll never replace the one-on-one ask. I can reject a stage announcement; it’s much harder to reject a personal “ask” from a friend.

      I’m glad you found the blog, whatever the means!

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  2. September 13, 2016

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