Thursday Three For All

Five Spectacular Ways to Create the Worst Customer Experience(via @jeanniecw) I get it: they’re not customers, they’re guests. But still, how many of these are our churches guilty of?

4. Recruiting the wrong people

Your employees play a huge role in driving your customer experience. If they’re unhappy, unfriendly or just plain bored with their jobs, that will translate into a miserable experience for your customers. Companies like Southwest Airlines and Zappo’s have made it a huge part of their culture to make sure they recruit the right people.


Treating People with Kindness(via @ThisIsSethsBlog) No need to click through. This is the whole post. And it’s great.

One theory says that if you treat people well, you’re more likely to encourage them to do what you want, making all the effort pay off. Do this, get that.

Another one, which I prefer, is that you might consider treating people with kindness merely because you can. Regardless of what they choose to do in response, this is what you choose to do. Because you can.


Oregon Man Lives in a Retired Boeing 727 Airliner That Is Parked in the Woods(via @22Words) I want to go to there.


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