Flashback Friday: Target or Mindset?

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!
I just wrapped up a phone call with an old friend who is a pastor in another state. He’s serving at a new church, maneuvering new challenges, and trying to figure out the age-old question for ministry leaders: Where to from here?
Their church is at a crossroads: it sits in the middle of a professional, upwardly-mobile, progressive community, but uses largely traditional methodology. They have a desire to reach their neighbors, but don’t have the infrastructure in place to do so. Many of their ministries don’t rise to the quality that the business professionals surrounding them would expect. Their pets’ HEADS ARE FALLING OFF! (Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)
One of the questions that came from our conversation was, “Who should we target?” Whenever someone asks that question, I immediately think about the demographics of a middle-class family where the parents are 34 years old, college educated, with 2.5 kids and a golden retriever. (That’s who I would target, anyway, because I’ve always wanted to see a half a kid.)