Can Non-Members / Non-Believers Serve in the Church?

2 Responses

  1. Greg says:

    Danny, thank you for your thoughts. I ran into this scenario at church this morning. While I understand the concept of allowing non-believers to serve, I think it goes against the purpose of the church. The church is God’s body. A major part of His representation on earth. Allowing people who do not believe in Jesus to be a part of the body sets a bad precedent, for them and for others. The minimum to serve in the church should be to be a believer. It is one thing if you fellowship elsewhere and come to a church to serve. It’s another if you are not a believer. If you do not believe in Jesus, you are not a part of the body of Christ. It’s not relegating people who do not believe to the sidelines. It is protecting the body of Christ to not to allow non believers to serve. Those who serve are taking an additional step to be a representative of the church. It is a form of becoming a more mature believer. I think it is a very bad idea to allow non-believers to serve in church. As they are not a part of The Church. Thank you again for your article. Please forgive my long reply.

  2. shirlisaac says:

    Sure, unbelievers can serve, at which point the church is no longer Christian, by definition.

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