Announcing a New One-Day Workshop: Volunteer Culture

Someone once said that every organization is a volunteer organization. It’s true. If you’re a business owner, your employees have a choice on whether or not they work for you. If you run the place like a tyrant, it won’t be long before they find another job (and you’re left doing theirs). But at least in business, you have a couple of things going for you in the form of paychecks and constant exposure. You compensate people to show up day after day after day, for several or sixty hours each week, and in return, you profit from their labors.

But churches / non-profits are what we normally think about when we think about volunteers, and for good reason: people don’t have to sign up, people don’t have to do what you tell them, and people don’t have to come back next week. The common motivations of salary and insurance and job security are absent. And “several” hours a week? Dang. We’d probably settle for someone to give us a consistent sixty minutes a few times per month.

This fall, we’re going to unpack the blessings and curses of all things volunteer. If you’re a ministry leader, this is the place to go to get a fresh diagnosis of your process. In our brand new One-Day Workshop, we’ll cover:

  • Why volunteers decide to serve in the first place: the motivations and messiness behind their “yes.”
  • How a healthy asking culture is developed: why pastors need to stop being certified travel agents for guilt trips.
  • Where volunteers find their best fit: helping people drop the spiritual gifts surveys and find their real passion.
  • How to reduce volunteer turnover: equipping people to take steps in their capacity and commitment.
  • How to turn volunteers into leaders: investing in your best and creating a scalable leadership pipeline.

Our One-Day Workshops are designed and priced to be a team endeavor. You’re encouraged to load up the van and bring several people from your staff or volunteer team. The Workshop will target a group of 25-40 people, so you’ll have the chance to network with people from churches of all shapes and sizes.

Connections Workshop: Volunteer Culture
Friday, September 30, 2016
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Brier Creek Campus of The Summit Church
2335 Presidential Drive, Durham, NC 27703

Total cost for the Workshop is $99 per person, which covers all materials, lunch, snacks throughout the day, and practical tools that you can put to work in your ministry. Space is limited, so RSVP today!


photo credit: Lindsey Wachter

3 Responses

  1. August 30, 2016

    […] Culture. If you lead vols, need vols, or are a vol, you’ll benefit. Get more information or RSVP […]

  2. September 19, 2016

    […] keep from getting to that point in the first place). Space is filling up and spots are limited. Get more information or RSVP […]

  3. September 21, 2016

    […] Announcing a New One-Day Workshop: Volunteer Culture […]

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