Centered and Sent

It’s safe to say that we are rapidly approaching – if we haven’t already arrived in – a post-Christian culture. The societal Christianity that many of us grew up with is gone. The Judeo-Christian values that used to be a commonly-held standard have eroded. And in a political cycle that has officially derailed the crazy train, many of us are left wondering where the church now stands.
While what we’re experiencing may be new to us, it is not necessarily new. Throughout her 2,000 year history, the church has witnessed seasons and cycles that are similar to 2016. The early church of Acts grew precisely because she was culturally relevant, yet radically distinct.
On October 18-19, the Summit will be hosting the Centered and Sent Conference, an event designed to help leaders and believers navigate these new waters. Centered, because our fidelity to scripture must be stronger than ever. Sent, because the message isn’t one we can keep inside our walls.
Centered and Sent will expose the issues we’re facing, facilitate intellectual conversations, and develop next steps for cultural engagement. We’ll be joined by Tim Keller, Ed Stetzer, Bryan Loritts, Joby Martin, and our own J.D. Greear. Breakouts and intimate conversations will punctuate our two days together.
Registration has begun, and space is limited. Get more info and RSVP today!