Ten Questions You Should Ask (And Answer) This Summer

The downtime of summer is a great time for reflection. I’m not talking about that weird aluminum foil thing you use to catch the sun’s rays on the beach and tan under your chin(s). Nope, I mean the slightly slower pace that allows you to revamp and refocus for the fall.
In July and August, we are offering two One-Day Workshops that will pose a few questions, but also provide some concrete ways forward. Here are some of the topics we’ll be tackling:
1. What is my church’s philosophy of hospitality, and what are the implicit / explicit biases that impact the way we care for our guests?
2. What are our unhealthy areas of guest services culture, and what steps can we take to improve them?
3. Is our church attractional or missional, and does it really matter?
4. How can we rearrange existing and embedded structures in order to better serve our community?
5. How in the world do we get started?
The Guest Services One-Day Workshop (July 25) will answer those questions and more.
6. Why can’t we get more people to step up to serve in our kids ministry?
7. What are the obstacles we’ve created that keep us from having an “asking” culture?
8. How can I help our people figure out where to serve (without resorting to a 47 page spiritual gifts survey)?
9. How can I fire a problem volunteer?
10. What is the best way to move someone from a casual volunteer to an active leader of volunteers?
The Volunteer Culture One-Day Workshop (August 22) is for leaders of volunteers in guest services, kids, students, worship…if you lead people, you’ll pick up a ton of resources and tips.
There’s just one catch: our One-Days are limited to 40 people each, and both of them are at the halfway point. (Translated: there ain’t much time left.) Grab a few members of your team and sign up today. More information. RSVP.