Four Reasons to Load Up the Van This Summer

If you’ve been hanging out under a rock lately, you may have missed the fact that we’re hosting two One-Day Workshops later this summer (and also that another Jack Sparrow movie is out…Pirates of the Caribbean 74: The Curse of the Hoveround®).
- Guest Services One-Day Workshop, July 25. We’ll unpack hospitality from top to bottom: how to create (or recreate) culture, how to staff your team, and how to infuse a guest-friendly culture to your entire congregation.
- Volunteer Culture One-Day Workshop, August 22. Designed for volunteer leaders of all shapes and sizes (guest services, kids, students, worship…), this Workshop will teach you how to invite, invest, equip, and assess your teams.
It’s easy enough to book a spot for yourself, but I want to convince you to bring some friends. Here are four reasons why you should roll in with your team:
- One-Days are priced for groups. At $99 a person, they’re affordable even for the most shoe-stringy of budgets.
- One-Days foster collaboration. Throughout the Workshop, you’ll be encouraged to work with those around you to figure out how the theory translates into practice. Translating theory is always better with friends.
- Teams allow you to continue the conversation. I’ve heard from multiple participants that the big “aha” moments came not in the Workshop, but on the ride home after the Workshop. Now sure, you could just drive around town for a few hours and hope for the same effect, but let us help seed the discussion.
- Teams build in ongoing accountability. I’ve been to plenty of training sessions where the ideas were great, but the implementation seemed…hard. And so, it was just easier to keep the big goals under wraps. Bringing in the team will make light work, and will keep the goals going long after you’ve left.
Here’s what other participants had to say about bringing their posse:
- I first attended a One-Day Workshop on my own. However, I knew before it ended that sending a group of us would be a wise investment. I attended a second One-Day Workshop with a team from our church. It really helped them understand the importance of their role(s) in guest services. We also came up with some great new ideas. (Apex, NC)
- We had four from our church attend this conference and we all agreed we left greatly encouraged and better educated within the context of guest services! I am under the personal conviction this conference will breathe a breath of fresh air into our church and our people! (Whiteville, NC)
- The One-Day Workshop was a team endeavor. To be able to bring pastors, staff and volunteers to an intimate event has set up our team for success. The Workshop certainly conveys the “what and how,” but more importantly conveys the “why?” behind an effective guest services mindset and execution. I’ve never been to an event that help shape our thinking framework and equipped us with vision like this one has. It was more than worthwhile investment for our team to be a part! (Orlando, FL)
Only 18 spots remain for the Guest Services Workshop, and less than a dozen are left for Volunteer Culture. Join 21 churches from eight states in one of our One-Days. Head to the RSVP page and secure your team’s spot today!