Top Ten Quotes: Above All
Let’s get one thing clear: even though I’m on staff at The Summit Church, I am not contractually obligated to read J.D. Greear‘s books. Or wash his car. Or tutor his kids in trigonometry.
No, I do these things because it is my joy to serve my pastor in this way, not because of the threats of a pay cut.
Also: pleasehelpmeI’mbeingheldagainstmywill.
But I digress. Pastor J.D. recently released his latest book, and it quickly got added to my reading pile. Above All: The Gospel is the Source of the Church’s Renewal is a call to restore the gospel as the main priority in our churches and in our lives. It was a great read, and you should not only add it to your reading pile, you should put it above all others and read it next. #seewhatididthere
In fact, I want you to get it so badly, I’m giving away a signed copy. Stay tuned until the end of this post to get the scoop.
Meanwhile, here are my top ten favorite quotes:
- Just as we are saved by believing the gospel and beholding Jesus with eyes of wonder, so we are sanctified in the same way. The gospel gets us in, and the gospel gets us all the way home.
- Do your insecurities and inadequacies push you deeper into gospel hope? Or do your sufferings and weaknesses drive you farther away from the gospel?
- [on presence with others] We can only overcome the unique barriers of our modern age by being involved enough in someone’s life – at the expense of crowding our dinner table and our daily schedules – so that we can speak the right words in the right moments.
- God’s calling into his mission is not a separate call we receive years after our salvation. It is not a “Green Beret” distinction for super-Christians. It is inherent in the call to salvation.
[bctt tweet=”God’s calling into his mission is inherent in the call to salvation. – @jdgreear, Above All”]
- I’m all for celebrating the movement of God in our churches and even building the occasional monument. But not if it keeps us from looking forward in faith, from crying out to God with desperation, from anticipating that another great movement of God is just around the corner.
- [on judging others] …when Jesus denounced judging, he wasn’t telling us to stop assessing opinions or behavior. Instead, he was telling us to avoid a graceless, critical posture that writes other people off, that tells them the truth and then pushes them away.
- Assuming the best [about others] means accepting the best possible narrative about someone and their motives as we can. A Bible teacher I know says “assuming the best” means “filling in the gaps with trust.”
- …as a matter of gospel faithfulness, the church, God’s “plan A” for rescuing the world, must stand as a place of refuge for people of every color, a beacon pointing to what is to come.
- …if our worship style forces us to choose between reaching our grandchildren and clinging to our traditions, I’m choosing the grandkids every time.
- If we let the gospel reign above our politics, we can show our society something it desperately longs to see – a body of men and women who stand united even in the midst of differing political perspectives.
And finally, a bonus quote, because my pastor champions first impressions:
- I never want to shy away from preaching a single truth from Scripture, but I also do not want to make it difficult for people unfamiliar with Christianity to turn to God. I do not want to make it difficult for guests drawn to our church who have heard God is at work here – but then they get here and parking is horrendous, the kids’ rooms are overcrowded, and the worship area is messy. I don’t want people to turn away from our church because we didn’t think ahead to have enough volunteers to welcome them.
Win a signed copy of Above All!
I’m giving away one copy of Above All, personally signed by the author himself. (This is something he is delighted to do just as soon as I let him know I’ve already committed him to it.) To enter to win, just pick one of the following options:
- Make sure you’re following me on Twitter, then “click to tweet” the quote in the above post. OR…
- Like the Facebook page and share this post.
I’ll select one winner at the end of the day Tuesday, August 13.
Order Above All
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