Top Ten Quotes: The Soul Winner
Earlier this summer I read Charles Spurgeon’s The Soul Winner: How to Lead Sinners to the Savior. I admittedly do not have enough engagement with reading historied theologians, so this was a nice departure from my normal diet.
Spurgeon had much to say on how we think about the outsider. See the previous post, Spurgeon on Hospitality and Evangelism, for a deeper dive on that particular topic.
Here are my top ten favorite quotes:
- The best attraction is the gospel in its purity.
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- The Lord Jesus Christ wept over Jerusalem, and you will have to weep over sinners if they are to be saved through you. Dear brethren, do be earnest, put your whole soul into the work, or else give it up.
- No one must suspect you of proclaiming to others what you do not fully believe in yourself; if it should ever be so, your work will be of no effect.
- I would sooner use a little of what some very proper preachers regard as a dreadful thing, that wicked thing called humour – I would sooner wake the congregation up that way than have it said that I droned away at them until we all went to sleep together.
- Never introduce anything into your discourse that would be likely to distract the attention of the hearer from the great object you have in view. If you take the sinner’s mind off the main subject – speaking after the manner of men, there is so much less likelihood of his receiving the impression you desire to convey, and, consequently, the smaller probability of his being converted.
- Let your sermons be full of Christ, from beginning to end crammed full of the gospel.
- I believe that you will rout unbelief by your faith rather than by your reason; by your belief, and your acting up to your conviction of the truth, you will do more good than by any argument, however strong it may be.
- A good deal may have to be suffered through fear, and yet that fear may assist in stirring the soul, and putting it into fit posture for work; at least, it may drive the heart to prayer, and that alone is a great part of the necessary preparation.
- Holiness, purity, loveliness of character, – these make a heaven within a man’s own bosom; and even if there were no place called heaven, that heart would have a heavenly happiness which is set free from sin, and made like the Lord Jesus.
- If you are yourself saved, the work is but half done until you are employed to bring others to Christ.
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