28 Days

5 Responses

  1. Robin Allen says:

    This was a wonderful read Danny and thanks for sharing a glimpse of it! Sean and I are 5 kids, 4 marriages so far, 8 grands into it so I can make two suggestions briefly here: Stay slim so you can get up off the floor while playing with the next generation and, You and Miriam need to decide now which of you has the worst olfactory because that person will get to change blowout diapers! Enjoy my friend, it IS a wonderful life! Robin and Sean in AGS.

  2. Linda says:

    Congratulations to your sweet family!

  3. How wonderful!! Rejoicing with you all. Thanks for sharing this good news and Congratulations to your whole beautiful family! 🙂

  4. Lynn Potter says:

    Congratulations to your family!! So happy for all of you!

  5. Thea King says:

    Double Congratulations!! Thank you for sharing the joy and celebrations of God’s goodness. May God continue to bless your family in the next generation.

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