2020 Webinar Package Now Available!

This fall we dipped our toes into the water with our first-ever series of webinars. Your response was great (let’s face it, we were all looking for one more reason to stare at our screens in 2020), and we’ve had requests to make that material available for further viewing.

Get all four webinars from the 2020 series!

  • Guest Services: how to create a guest-friendly culture
  • Volunteer Culture: how to equip and assess your volunteers
  • After the First Visit: six tensions to manage in assimilation
  • The Next Big Thing: caring for your people through change

Each webinar is an hour in length, and will provide foundational building blocks and practical takeaways to help your church staff and volunteers create a culture that keeps people coming back!

Your download includes:

  • Full video for each webinar with scrolling capabilities: get right to the content you want!
  • Full audio for each webinar: listen on the go!
  • Fill-in-the-blank and completed outlines for each of the first three webinars, plus a complete listening guide for the fourth.
  • Five downloadable pdfs of blog posts for each webinar, containing “drill down” content related to the material.
  • A downloadable pdf of 5 Plumb Lines for Guest Services.
  • A downloadable pdf of 20 recommended titles for further reading.

Preview a clip from the Guest Services webinar:

That’s eight total hours of media content and 29 downloadable pdfs, all for $47. Plus, each purchase comes with permission to share the content with other staff and volunteers within your organization. (No underground trading or back alley trunk deals, please!)

(But wait…there’s more.)

For a limited time, you can choose a package that includes all the content above, plus ten copies of my book People Are the Mission, all for $167. That’s 20% off of Amazon’s current price. Shipping is included and the books will be mailed to your door! This is a great chance to grab a stack of discounted books to read with your team.

Order now!

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