Top Ten Quotes: At Your Best

At my core, I’m a guy who likes to work smarter, not harder. I enjoy maximizing my schedule and mapping my ideal week. I believe that checklists are one of God’s greatest gifts to us. And yes, sometimes I get such a kick out of working on the work that I forget to do the work.

That’s why I was excited to get my hands on Carey Nieuwhof’s newest book, At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy, and Priorities Working in Your Favor. He expertly walks the reader through our Green Zones, Yellow Zones, and Red Zones…those times of day when we move from most creative and productive to least creative and productive.

It is – in short – a very good book, and I found myself implementing things immediately. And on those days when I follow the plan, I’ve found those days to be quite productive, indeed.

Here are my top ten favorite quotes:

  • If you don’t declare a finish line to your work, your body will.
  • Time off won’t heal you when the problem is how you spend your time on.
  • Some hours will produce better results for you than others, and focusing your time means you’ll treat those hours differently and, through that, you’ll discover much higher levels of productivity than you’re used to.
  • Traditional time management makes you more efficient, but it doesn’t make you more effective over the long run.
  • Stop saying you don’t have the time. Start admitting you didn’t make the time.
  • …leverage your energy (or lack of it). Don’t fight the patterns; fuel them. Use each zone to its maximum advantage, and yes, despite its apparent lack of promise, even your Red Zone can be used strategically.
  • Most people let days happen to them, which results in disappointment, tension, unmet expectations, and important things left undone. By leveraging your Green Zone, you can make sure that doesn’t happen to you.
  • Nobody will ever ask you to accomplish your top priorities. They will only ask you to accomplish theirs.
  • If you’re waiting for perfect conditions to do your best work, you’ll wait forever.
  • One of the reasons stress is so pervasive is that, in the strangest way, it is kind of attractive…[t]here’s a part of you that likes being stressed.

Order At Your Best

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