Why Consistency Matters in Guest Services

There is a difference between your Guest Services team and your guest services culture. One has everything to do with what we do, the other has everything to do with who we are.

And no matter how over-the-top your team is, no matter how efficient or how seamless, a great team simply can’t overcome a bad culture. Eventually the culture catches up, overtakes, and drowns out.

Consistency is key when it comes to culture. And when you lose consistency, you lose three things:

  • Authenticity. A guest can tell when your outward-focused team is a smokescreen for an inward-focused congregation. If they get past the official gauntlet of greeters and no one speaks to them, consistency is lost.
  • Credibility. A guest doesn’t have to believe what you believe as long as they believe that you believe it. Yes, we want Jesus to become real to them and for their life to change, but if they don’t believe that we believe that, they may not return, and consistency is lost.
  • Reliability. A guest can be wowed in their first ten minutes by your parking team, your door greeters, and your coffee bar. But if that hospitality doesn’t translate to the pew or to the kids drop off area or from the stage – if that “I’m wanted” feeling isn’t sustainable – consistency is lost.

In other words, when you lose consistency, you lose.

Building a great Guest Services team while ignoring a poor guest services culture is an exercise in insanity. It’s a house of cards that will eventually implode.

Where can you spot inconsistencies in your culture?

Material adapted from our One-Day Workshop: Guest Services 2.0. Find out more about One-Day Workshops here.

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