How to Get the Best Deals on Bulk Books

We’re coming up on the most wonderful time of the year: Book Discussion Season.
What? Your calendar doesn’t say anything about BDS? Can’t find BDS cards at your local Hallmark store? Never even HEARD of BDS, you say? Just trust me. It’s a thing.
Those in the know know that I’m a big fan of groups that use books as a springboard for discussion and spotlights on new ideas. Our Guest Services Collective and High-Capacity Volunteer Cohort has been used for that for our own church leaders and volunteers, and our Connections Confab has done the same for church leaders from around the country since 2015. I think you should know how to choose books to read with others, and you should know the finer points of leading a book discussion.
But books can be pricey, especially if you’re trying to gift them to others and buy them a dozen or two at a time. Here are my five tried-and-true tricks to get the best deals on a pile of a particular title:
1. Scour the sites.
Don’t just point and click on Amazon. While they usually have decent prices, there are other sites that I like to check out as well:
- Amazon Business. Um…didn’t you just say…? Yes. Yes I did. But if your church has an Amazon Business account, you can often shave a few cents off the cost of a book. And the more you buy, the better deal it might be. Plus, I’ve found that my personal Amazon account often places limits on certain titles for some inexplicable reason, but there are no such limits over on AB.
- Ebay. The 90s called. They want their online auction site back. You never know when you can find a reseller willing to part with your longed-for title for a few bucks less than retail. And if you don’t mind slightly-used, the prices get even better.
- Christianbook. CBD called. That acronym no longer means what your Mom thinks it means. While CB…uh…Christianbook’s prices on newer books are no longer at the jaw-dropping spectacle they used to be before Bezos showed up, if you’re looking for an older or classic book, you might be pleasantly surprised.
- WTSbooks. The inventory and book choice here is crazy-limited, but I’ve stumbled across a gem here and there.
- 10ofthose. Again, not a huge inventory compared to Amazon, but they consistently deliver on low prices. And they consistently deliver for a dollar. #iykyk
In this ever-changing internet marketplace world, I’m sure there’s something I’m missing. Let me know your favorite and I’ll add it to the list above.
2. Go straight to the publisher.
Many publishing houses have their own sales channels, and will cut you some sweet deals. Head to their website to see what they might have to offer. As an example, my own book is available from the publisher at up to 55% off. Now, with most publishing houses, that’s a percentage off of the full MSRP, so at that point you’re competing against Amazon’s volume-buying power, anyway.
Also, James C. wasn’t a fan. Come on, James C.
3. Go straight to the author.
If it’s a small- to medium-sized author (we’re not talking James Patterson or John Piper here), it never hurts to get in touch with them to see if they have a stash they’re willing to part with. Sometimes they’re sitting on author copies and/or seven pallets in their garage that their wife they would love to get rid of.
4. Set up a price drop reminder.
If you’re not in a huge hurry – or if you have that one title that you always find yourself giving away to others – use a site like camelcamelcamel to notify you if the price drops on Amazon. I will often do this with my old standbys, and buy a stack when they go on a sale. (You can also use CCC for Amazon third-party sales, which are often good deals but with sneaky shipping fees.)
5. Don’t snooze on Kindle.
I get it. Print books vs. ebooks are a charged conversation (#didyouseewhatididthere). But I’m fascinated at how many of my very favorite books to discuss will often pop up for under five bucks for the digital version. Run that same play as #4: set up a price alert and wait on the deal to come along. But make sure of two things: (a) your book discussion buddy wants a Kindle version, and (b) when you purchase the book, click “Buy for others” (you’ll find it on the right side of your screen if you’re on the desktop version). Otherwise, that title is gonna drop right into your library. Oopsie.
Also, I think that you can sit on a “Buy for others” book indefinitely, or at least according to that unclaimed copy of Be Our Guest that’s still sitting in my account because Michelle from our HCV Cohort didn’t download it back in 2016. Where’d you go, Michelle?
Where are your favorite places to snag a deal on bulk books?