And So It Begins

15 Responses

  1. photorobin says:

    Nothing encouraging or congratulatory, just wanted to be first to reply 🙂

  2. waddey says:

    I am okay with not knowing what is going on inside you head but since you are bound and determined to tell us anyway. . .I guess I’ll tune in.

  3. joedavy3 says:

    I knew you would get a blog!!!!!

    and for good reason. Man you’re my hero!!!

    And please be a good blogger, PLEASE!!!!!!

  4. sixcloars says:

    Danny Franks,

    It has been way too long my friend!! How are you and the family? We are doing well and settling down in Texas. We have been in San Antonio for almost a year. We love it here except the heat. My email is and our blog is Stay in touch.

  5. rrick says:

    Ummm…get back to work.

  6. Welcome to the self-important world of public journaling. Do NOT be surprised if you do become addicted to “stats.” If they make or break your day, you’re in too far. The positive is that it is a highly impersonal way to “talk” to people you don’t normally get to talk to. It’s the cyber connection. Happy blogging Danny.
    Josh Phillips

  7. Danny says:

    Josh, any chance you can come back and be my Blog Intern? It pays twice what your old internship did! (zero x two equals… )

  8. soundsliketomatoes says:

    Yay! You’ve come over to the blog side! And that Josh fellow is on to something-you will check your stats about 50 times a day, hoping for another hit, another comment. They need a 12 step program for this.

  9. You’re already in too far. You’re having comment conversations. Fun, and by far the most inefficient way of communicating. Let me get through the new church year (ie finance committee budget planning) and see how it goes. By that time a volunteer blogging intern may sound pretty appealing. Don’t forget, I did get a “small stipend” to cover gas. I would expect a cost of living raise to at least a “moderate stipend.”

  10. Lee Beck says:


    Soooooo glad to see you start blogging. Actually, you’ve been blogging since July but I just found out about it, thanks to an email signature line.

    I love your humor and love you, your family, and your church (see, I did read all the way to the end of your first blog).

    I’m going to savor your blog and read the entries when I need uplifting. I always leave your presence (in this case, just your words) smiling.

  11. Danny says:

    Thanks Lee! I’ll do my best to keep things feeling funny around here.

  1. March 31, 2014

    […] this site launched way back in July 2008, I had no idea what the page, the content, or the readership would look like nearly six years […]

  2. March 21, 2017

    […] hard to believe that it was a year ago that this post was tossed out there for all the world to see, followed closely by death threats from friends of […]

  3. November 2, 2017

    […] this site launched way back in July 2008, I had no idea what the page, the content, or the readership would look like nearly six years […]

  4. October 12, 2018

    […] July 8, 2008, the Connective Tissue blog debuted on the innerwebs for the very first time. I launched the blog […]

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