Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire article.)
Don’t Lose the Thread of God’s Grace. (via J.D. Greear) This week I’ve been working on some training that deals with killing off ineffective culture in order to build a new, fresh vision. And in the middle of that – boom – my pastor brings the heat on this one.
…anyone who has been in any church for any length of time can tell you [that] we all create traditions. Some of them are codified and officially protected. But most of our traditions are subconscious, just under the surface. We don’t know we have them until someone comes in messing with them.
Religious traditions aren’t all bad. It’s important, even necessary, to respect our past. But religious traditions can go wrong. The biggest danger is this: our traditions are always at risk of losing the thread of the grace of God.
Hotel Concierge One-Ups a Silly Guest at Her Own Game. (via 22Words) How are you doing and keeping the fun in the middle of your guest service opportunities?
During a recent trip to San Antonio a guest at the Hotel Indigo got a friendly offer from the concierge…
Knowing that a concierge’s job is often quite dull during the day, she decided to risk having some fun with the good folks manning the desk in the lobby…
As you can see, Ramon and company seemed perfectly willing to play along.
But would they follow through?
Weatherman Smoothly Plays Off Graphics Malfunction. (via PremiumFunny) This is what you call fast on your feet.
Hey Danny… my daughter just had a great customer service experience from a startup. She’s working on resume´/college search stuff and she found a site she liked.
In using it, she found a very minor bug and reported it, like the good geek she is. Usually, those fall into the black void of the interwebs (eaten by LoLcats), but she got a reply. OK, nice. But then, since it’s the first bug, they sent her a $50 Amazon gift card and it turns out the reply had been from their CEO. Boom. That made an impression on us. (company is
Thanks for nudging us all to be focused on this at Summit!
What a great story, Ken! I’ll bet if Lydia weren’t a raving fan of the site to begin with, she certainly is now!