How Your Guest Service Team Can Shine (Even When The Sun Doesn’t)
Sometimes, the rain falls. And when it falls on a weekend, it’s never a good thing. Outdoor plans get rescheduled, yard work gets postponed, and church people get cranky.
Church people don’t like rain; especially Baptists. For people who believe in immersion, we sure are scared of a little water. So when the forecast calls for drizzle or the bottom falls out on the way to church, you can be sure that at least a few attendees aren’t going to be happy about it.
Which is exactly why you need an umbrella brigade. A team of happy volunteers in rain-proof boots and colorful umbrellas can deliver more “wow” per square foot than just about any other initiative you can come up with. While we don’t get this 100% right every time, we often are able to dispatch a rainy day team to meet guests at their car and escort them inside.
I’m always amazed by our guests’ amazement. They’re caught off guard, surprised that a volunteer would go out of their way to make them comfortable. Some even feel bad for the perceived inconvenience and insist that they’re fine (and all the while, they’re getting soaked through).
But beyond the opportunity to serve, it’s a chance to connect. Those quick walks through the rain give a volunteer a chance to meet a guest on a deeper level; to ask about their experience, to find out more of their story, and to seek a way to help them take a next step.
So go ahead: order a few umbrellas. And the next rainy Sunday, let your team shine.
We do this at Crossroads, too, Danny! It’s a great way to wow people and really minister to them! It makes an incredible difference for those being walked in – and those serving are blessed even more. Thanks for sharing!