[Freebie!] 5 Plumb Lines for Guest Services

Eight years ago this month, the blogosphere got just a teensy bit more crowded with the debut of Connective Tissue. To celebrate, I’m releasing a free PDF download of my very first booklet, 5 Plumb Lines for Guest Services. That’s right: free. Nada. Zip. Zilch. No money is exchanging hands, no credit cards will be swiped, no Bitcoins will be…well, I have no idea what Bitcoins actually do.
In the 36 page 5 Plumb Lines booklet, you’ll learn:
- The five key areas we train on for our Guest Services teams,
- Why the why is way more important than the what,
- How the smallest details can make or break a guest’s experience,
- Why the first visit sets up the second visit,
- And why you have to be strategic in how you offend first-timers.
“But wait,” you say, “there’s gotta be a catch.” Well, of course there is. But a very small one. You have to hand over your name and email. I want to be able to reach out in the future and let you in on top-secret connections stuff, fun reveals you’ll want to know about, and maybe nuclear launch codes, who knows? But I promise: no frequent emails (a few times per year, tops), no spamming, and no selling of your info. That junk annoys me as much as you. F’real.
Just fill in your info below, hit the button, and you’ll be redirected to the next page to get the goods.
Want to purchase bulk copies of this resource for use in your church or ministry? Single copies are $5 each, and packs of ten are available for $35 each (shipping is included on all orders). Order here.
I hope the resource is a help to you, and I’d love to know what you think!
3 Responses
[…] 1. Determine your values. What does your ministry team stand for? What are you trying to accomplish? What does your guest services team do that makes your guest services team your guest services team? Maybe you stress guest follow up. Perhaps you prioritize the first weekend experience. Decide what you believe in, and embrace those things as both your basics and your north star. (You can see our five values here.) […]
[…] No, I’m not talking about handing Deacon Bob a stack of worship guides and saying “stand here.” That’s asking him to mindlessly perform a task. Instead, gather Deacon Bob and his friends and let them know why they’re handing out worship guides. Use the free resources on this blog or from folks like Bob Adams, Jason Young, Mark Waltz, or Greg Atkinson to cast vision to your teams. When is the last time you offered a “Why?” training? [Related post / free download: 5 Plumb Lines for Guest Services] […]
[…] ours track along a combination, the most important “rules” we have are our plumblines: five sticky statements that clearly explain the why behind the what. Those set the boundaries and […]