2020 Connections Confab: Apply Today!

Back in 2015 we launched a coaching network called Connections ConfabToday we count 50 leaders from 42 churches in 16 states as part of our Confab alumni group. The Confab is an intensive coaching gathering focused on improving your guest services culture. Confab is coming back in February 2020, and the application process goes public today.

Here are the quick hits:

  • Confab is a four-session, on-site networking group that will take place in spring 2020. We go deep (really deep) on topics that are important (really important) to your ministry. You get an all-access backstage pass to in the ins and outs of what we’ve learned (and what we avoid) at the Summit.
  • Confab dates are February 19, March 25, May 2-3, and June 2, 2020. All other details for next spring can be found in this handy Confab overview.
  • APPLY today to be a part of Confab. Because we intentionally keep it small – think 15 or fewer – our application monkeys will go over your info with a fine-toothed comb and let you know the results by mid-December (so exciting!).
  • All applications are due by December 11, 2019.
  • If your application is approved, I’ll send you a link to officially register and pay. The Confab’s cost is $950 for four on-site meetings or $1700 for the meetings plus hotel. (Other coaching networks can cost upwards of five times as much, so you get a ton of proverbial bang for your buck.)

Confab is part coaching group, part collegial network, part learning lab, and part round-table consultation. Leaders from across the country have joined us in the past to discuss the highs and lows of local church ministry. No topic in the realm of guest service, volunteer strategies, covenant membership, or leadership development has fallen by the wayside.

Here’s what some of them have had to say:

I’d do it again in a minute and recommend it to anyone – any role – that cares about seeing people connected to the local church and its mission! – Tammy Steele, Director of Connections, Calvary Christian Church, Bellevue, NE

I had high expectations for the Connections Confab, but I can honestly say that my expectations were exceeded. – Monty RiversConnections Director, Fellowship Bible Church, Roswell, GA

…a tremendously valuable opportunity to network with other forward-thinking churches who desire to see more people come to faith in Jesus. – Andrew Stubbs, Executive Pastor, North Rock Hill Church, Rock Hill, SC

I have grown more in my understanding of my job from my Confab experience than from any other resource I’ve found. – Sarah McCarthy, Connections Director, Aletheia Church, Cambridge, MA

So now what?

If you’re ready to toss your hat into the ring, apply here. All applications are due by December 11, 2019. 

Want to do Confab but can’t commit this year?

If you’re interested in other training opportunities for 2020, see our full list here, sign up for a free Weekender event, or get your name on the list for early access to training dates!

(photo credit: Lindsey Love)

1 Response

  1. November 13, 2019

    […] Apply: November 12 – December 11, 2019 […]

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