2019 Is Coming. It’s Time to Save Some Dates.

Fall is in the air, campers, which means our team has been hard at work outlining our 2019 Training Calendar. One of our staff values is that we want to “show our work,” meaning if there are potholes, pitfalls, and dead ends we’ve hit through the years, we want to help you avoid all of those things. (And who knows, we might even share a decent idea or two along the way.)
The Summit’s Guest Services Team – the group that I lead – offers three tiers of training each year. In 2018 we saw over 200 leaders from nearly 100 churches participate in those training opportunities.
2019 is shaping up to be another full one, and since some of you have been asking, here’s the skinny:
First Impressions Weekenders
- What they are: a three-hour event on site at The Summit Church, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our guest services team training, a glimpse of our team in action, and plenty of time to debrief and ask questions. Weekenders are free and include an optional Sunday stick-around for tours of additional Summit campuses.
- Who they’re for: Weekenders are perfect for church staff and volunteers who are responsible for guest services or first impressions. Weekenders are limited to 15 people per event.
- 2019 dates: January 26, April 13, July 27, October 26
- Sign up begins: right now!
- More information: dfranks.com/weekender
One-Day Workshops
- What they are: we take one full day and dive deep into one single topic. We talk about the philosophy, theology, and practicality behind Guest Services; how to recruit, train, celebrate, and develop your people in Volunteer Culture, and how to move your guests from connected to committed in After the First Visit.
- Who they’re for: Workshops are designed for teams, so we encourage you to load up the van with staff or volunteers. Our Workshops target 40-80 people per event.
- 2019 dates: August 6 (Volunteer Culture), September 17 (Guest Services), October 15 (After the First Visit)
- Sign up begins: mid-May 2019. More info. Register now!
- More information: dfranks.com/workshop
Connections Confab
- What it is: the Confab is a coaching network that includes four on-site visits to the Summit over the course of six months. We intentionally keep the numbers small so we can keep the conversation deep. We drill down on your issues with guest services, volunteer culture, assimilation, leadership development, multi-site, and more.
- Who it’s for: Confab is best for church staff members who are primarily responsible for guest services or volunteers, but our alumni include lead pastors, communications directors, worship directors, and even a couple of interns. Each Confab group is capped at 15 people.
- 2019 dates: February 20, March 27, May 4-5, July 9
Apply: now through December 5, 2018.- More information: dfranks.com/confab
Do random dates drive you a wee bit insane? Here they all are in chronological order:
- Jan 26 First Impressions Weekender
- Feb 20 Connections Confab, gathering 1
- Mar 27 Connections Confab, gathering 2
- Apr 13 First Impressions Weekender
- May 4-5 Connections Confab, gathering 3
- Jul 9 Connections Confab, gathering 4
- Jul 27 First Impressions Weekender
- Aug 6 One-Day Workshop, Volunteer Culture
- Sep 17 One-Day Workshop, Guest Services
- Oct 15 One-Day Workshop, After the First Visit
- Oct 26 First Impressions Weekender
Of course, there’s a little fine print here: all dates above are subject to change.
If you want to get notifications whenever sign up links go live, fill out the super quick form below.
1 Response
[…] central Guest Services Team – shows our work is through a series of external training events (you can see all the 2019 dates here). And our free external training event is called the […]